Monday, October 20, 2008

My Hair Care Journey

I have medium textured 4a/4b kinky hair that has been chemically relaxed. I recived my first relaxer when I was about ten years old. My hair slowy broke off over the years due to improper care. I went from mid-back length hair to a couple of inches past shoulder length. My hair had always managed to stay between shoulder and arm pit length since then. I decided to go natural in 2004. I transitioned for a year, but contiued to wear braid extentions mostly because I did not know what to do with my natural hair. I relaxed again in May 2007 and started from scratch with armpit length hair. My hair is currently brastrap length and my ultimate goal is waist length. I hope to reach this goal by December 2010. My hair is damaged from excessive use of heat so nursing my hair back to health is my top priority then comes length and thickness.

Past Hair Mistakes:
-I washed my hair only once a month or less
-Never deep conditioned
-Used heat too often
-Did not protect hair at night
-Did not moisturize hair daily
-Combed and manipulated hair too often


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