Sunday, October 19, 2008

Some Info On MSM

MSM Powder: Arthritis, PMS and other Benefits of MSM

1. MSM helps our bodies absorb more nutrients (vitamins and minerals). Co-enzyme Q10 locks with MSM, which means that in order for the body to fully utilize this nutrient, it must have MSM(sulfur) with it. Pantothenic acid, Vitamins A, D, and E, inter-enzymes, amino acids, selenium, calcium, germanium, collagnol and dismuzyme are just some of the things we know the body does not utilize properly unless it has MSM to lock with. A lot of the vitamins we take go through the body without being fully used. With more MSM in the body, vitamins can be utilized more effectively and therefore become much more beneficial.There is a joke that Americans have the most expensive urine in the world because of all the vitamins that go down the drain. Vitamin C does a lot of healing by itself, but without MSM to lock with, it doesn't toughen capillary walls. When MSM is added to the diet and taken with Vitamin C, chronic nosebleeds, easy bruising and varicose veins may be relieved. Vitamin C and MSM work synergistically together. Every body is different, so you would need to find what works for you, but it is important when taking Vitamin C to make certain it has the bioflavinoids with it because it is then a complete food. Nature's vitamins (from fresh food) are the best because they contain the whole complexes without which the body can't do its job, which is to maintain and repair the bodily systems. Without enough MSM, the body can't do its job properly.

- MSM helps the body eliminate toxins including lactic acid build-up from strenuous exercise. Drinking plenty of water is very important for anyone wishing to have good health. The fact that MSM detoxifies means that you need to keep water moving into the body so that the toxins can be eliminated without stressing other organs of the body, such as the kidneys.

-MSM, together with Vitamin C (a free radical scavenger) helps the body build healthy new cells.

- MSM, along with Vitamin C, helps reduce scar tissue and wrinkles, and helps keep the skin more elastic.

- MSM, along with Vitamin C, helps the hair and nails grow stronger and faster.

How Safe is MSM?

MSM is as safe as pure drinking water. Because of it's inert nature, MSM is non-allergenic, non-pyretic and has no interfering or undesirable pharmacological effects.You cannot overdose with MSM. The body will use what it needs and after 12 hours, will flush any excess amounts out of the body, MSM will flush what the body does not retain semi-permanently every 12 hours and because it is a free radical and foreign protein scavenger, MSM cleans the blood stream, so allergies to food and pollens go away. To maintain good healthy cells, take MSM in the morning and evening.

For more info visit the link:

Possible Side effects:

  • Sleeplessness
  • Headaches
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Vivid dreams


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